CBD Suppositories Testimonials for Natural Menstrual Relief – Foria

CBD Melts Testimonials

Ideal for use during your period, or for relieving local muscular tension, discomfort and inflammation, our Relief Melts with CBD deliver 100mg of broad-spectrum CBD directly to the area that needs it.

The CBD market has become rife with questionable ingredients & confusing claims. Since 2012, we’ve been crafting hemp-based products for women’s health & wellness, with a commitment to all-natural & organic ingredients, along with rigorous laboratory testing, and close communication and support for our growing community of clients.

Here’s what a few independent reviews have to say about our suppositories:

"CBD suppositories have definitely taken the place of pain pills for me, which I didn’t think was possible." -HuffPost

"If you have period pain, chronic pelvic pain or pain from endometriosis, this long-lasting dose of CBD can help." - Brides

"Compared with CBD edibles and tinctures, these suppositories activate local receptors much faster." - Bustle

"Foria’s CBD vaginal suppositories ship nationwide and are just as helpful (in my opinion) as the THC ones. I use these for both sexual pain and menstrual pain..." - Buzzfeed


Community Testimonials For Pain Relief:

Thank you so much for creating this product. It has truly reduced my cramps during my period by so much. I used to take so much ibuprofen each day and now, on my first day of my period I haven’t taken any medication! It truly works!! —Mahalia

I have endometriosis and this took my pain level down 4 notches when nothing else would. -Andrea

I have had horrible, life-stopping menstrual cramps for as long as I can remember. I have literally tried everything throughout the years and this is something that works — like, really really works. I'm a customer for life!!! -Traci

I got these for my wife. She has vulvodynia and interstitial cystitis. She uses these when she is in a flare(pain). They take the pain from a 10 to a 2 in about an hour. Nothing has worked as well as these …[they] have saved her so many times since I discovered them. Thank you thank you thank you! — DK

The best thing to happen to your uterus since…. anything honestly! Faith

I have suffered with Endo [endometriosis] and PCOS for my entire life. As I write this, I am laying in bed right after having inserted the Basics … I don’t feel a heavy womb, as I usually do, and the pain is more accurately described right now as a discomfort. This is huge for me!  — Bruna

I honestly was a skeptic when I ordered these. I have bad menstrual cramps so I was willing to give almost anything an honest shot! They worked so well I had no cramps the entire day. Thanks, Foria for a wonderful product. It really works! -  Lisa

It took about 30 minutes to kick in — a lot of relaxation in my abdominal area — and then throughout the evening I could feel my cramps gradually release and relax. It was a relief that I didn't have to worry about all the side effects that other products have -- just being able to treat my body with something natural. --Misha

I love that this product is so natural. I feel safe using it. It's the perfect thing to take before bed or in the middle of the day. The pain subsides and it's just so much more relaxing than taking a Midol. -- Maryann

I have suffered from vulvodynia for 28 years... sex was excruciating, and I had pain constantly all day... the suppositories have reduced my pain by 70 percent. -Dawn

Endo Surgery: CBD Suppositories Changed My Life: I have endometriosis and spent years taking pain pills to relieve my pelvic pain. I had surgery to have my endometriosis removed and my surgeon recommended these as an alternative. They’re literally life changing. — Morgan

As one of the many women who live with endometriosis, I can easily report your product has been life changing. Throughout my adult life, I take about 12 Advil to get me through the consistent horrific pain of a period. Last month I took ZERO thanks to Foria. This month I took four. Thank you so much beyond words. Keep up the incredible and curing work!—Catherine 

They are amazing such a lifesaver for endometriosis pain. -Angie R.

I used this anally for recovery from a hysterectomy.  I had used it previously for endometriosis. It made transition from opioids possible.  This is what our entire country needs for pain. So, I replied that I used the suppositories for menstral cramps as there were no other options.  I actually have been using the suppositories for endometriosis pain since I heard about them. I recently had a total hysterectomy and right oophorectomy (Ovary) and the suppositories were invaluable to my recovery.  I didn't need to refill my opiod prescription as I was able to transition to the CBD suppositories before I ran out of them. As a result of the hysterectomy, I ended up with bladder spasms, which feel quite similar in intensity and location to labor contractions.  The basic suppositories functioned as an antispasmodic even better than my cyclobenzaprine muscle relaxer. This product is invaluable to anyone who is suffering from endometriosis, adenomyosis or recovering from abdominal surgery. - Ambyr

It has really helped my overall well being after being diagnosed with endometriosis, adenomyosis, autoimmune disorder and anxiety that came from going through all the surgeries 💜-Taylor

Hey there,I recently ordered the CBD suppositories and I just want to say a huge THANK YOU for such an amazing product. It really works. I feel such a relief, as my periods are always a hard time for me. I have endometriosis and have pelvic pain nearly every day. It is a constant ache that can feel maddening, and sometimes it's a stabbing pain that can take my breath away and prevent me from getting out of bed. - Sarah S.

I have been diagnosed with vulvodynia and this is the only thing that has helped when I have flares. Especially around my period time. But this stuff is amazing. I do not ever do surveys  but I know so many women suffer from vulvodynia and get no relief. I do take cbd pills, cbd sublinguals daily along with my amutripleun. But let me tell you this has been a miracle worker for me!!! I want my story to help other women suffering with this because not much research has been done for this and many women are suffering in silence. Please give this a try especially if you have a flare.I have been diagnosed with vulvodynia  this year and this is the only thing that has helped when I have flares. Especially around my period time. I had never heard of vulvodynia before just like most women who have been diagnosed have not either.But this is stuff is amazing!!!! I do not ever I repeat ever do surveys but I know so many women suffer from vulvodynia and get no relief. I do take cbd pills, cbd sublingual daily along with my amitriptyline. (Which I hope I can get off of that eventually) But let me tell you this has been a miracle worker for me!!! I want to share my story to help other women suffering with this because not much research has been done for this. Many women are suffering in silence and are often misdiagnosed by doctors like I was for 3 months before I got relief. Please give this a try especially if you have a flare up. - Andrea

Foria suppositories have changed my life! I no longer have to dread and worry about getting my period. I take one before cramps start and then one on the first day and it’s like I don’t have my period! That’s a miracle considering I was about to get surgery for endometriosis. Thank you!! -Jennifer

I have suffered with Endo and PCOS for my entire life. My first period ever took 42 days of my teenager self. I have lived with constant pain, so I was excited to try this as I have found that cannabis in general helps me manage the pain and the sadness that comes with it. As I write this, I am laying in bed right after having inserted the Basics; it’s the third day in a row that I’m using it as I know my period will start soon. To start with, it smells great - ha! It feels gentle and I feel it kind of also moisturizes my vagina, which is a pleasant outcome. But the best part of it is that it has actually helped me with the pain! I don’t feel a heavy womb, as I usually do, and the pain is more accurately described right now as a discomfort. This is huge for me! Can’t wait to see if the continued use will provide for lasting effects. — Bruna


I love the suppositories.   As an endometriosis patient and chronic pain sufferer - these are a gift.  They break up the pain and tension so I can walk, move and function in daily life. - Laura


I just passed a blood clot👍🏻. I’m laying down for the night with my favorite Foria Wellness basics vaginal suppositories. These babies have two ingredients: 100% organic cocoa butter and 100mg of broad spectrum CBD. After taking one of these I can literally feel my pelvic floor relax. My deep pelvic spasms, pain, and cramping decrease significantly. Because the pain is decreased and my pelvic muscles are more relaxed, the shooting, ripping, breathtaking nerve pain that travels across my abdomen, through my ovaries and down my legs are decreased. These suppositories don’t take away my pain. Nothing is magical enough to do that, not even morphine at the hospital. I use CBD in addition to my pain killers and nerve blocker. These suppositories have significantly decreased my pain to the point where I can go to school and work more often, heck if I take one of these I can even withstand the hour long car ride it takes to visit nearby family. (Car rides and pelvic pain are a very horrible combination.) These suppositories allow me to peacefully relax and go to sleep, they help decrease the pain I feel in my ovaries and the nasty awful horrible back contractions. These suppositories have decrease the pain I have with sex. There isn’t a single thing about these suppositories that I dislike. I have three boxes in my fridge and I am NEVER going to run out. I treat them like my medicine, if I take one right before I feel a flare coming on, they help to decrease my bloating and pain so much. I’m not sponsored by this company at all, I’m just ecstatic to have found something that helps me. I’m a desperate lady in daily debilitating pain. Anything that helps me is worth sharing. I’ve gotten so many DM’s from incredible endo warriors around the world recommending products or CBD/THC that has helped them. It makes me happy! If you’ve found something that even remotely decreases your pain drop it in the comments below! Help each other out!👇🏻💛🎗-Emily


About two months ago I discovered FORIA, a company who makes CBD based wellness products (and THC products where legal.) I was drawn to their 100mg each broad-spectrum CBD suppositories. This product is primarily intended to be used vaginally to relieve feminine pain caused by menstruation, PCOS, Endo, etc. After reading dozens and dozens of five star reviews of women raving about them, I decided to buy a box.Let👏🏻Me👏🏻Tell👏🏻You👏🏻 It WORKS. It doesn't replace the need for my other medications, but it does provide targeted relief where and when I need an extra boost of muscle relaxation. The only issue is the price. They're $72 per box of 8 suppositories. It directs you to use one or even two per day but at that price... NO WAY. So last week I was scrolling through my emails and saw one from FORIA about a study they're conducting over the suppositories. I took the survey and this wonderful company blessed me with two boxes of suppositories for absolutely FREE! Shipping included. They got here literally just when I needed them the most! It's things like this that remind me God always has my back 🙂 So it's a two month study and all you have to do is use free suppositories and take two follow up surveys, so for anybody interested in trying this product, go to their website and take their eligibility survey to see if you can get free boxes, too! It takes about 5-10 minutes but is SO worth it if you are eligible! This is the website to apply for the study!


These are a miracle product for bad menstrual cramps! I have endometriosis and have incredibly painful cramps. These target the area directly and work as well or better than my prescription strength painkillers. - Jessica A.


I was moving into my new place and after an already exhausting 16+ hour drive, I fell hard and directly on my tailbone. Feeling desperate, in pain, and curious- I tried a Foria Intimacy CBD Suppository in my bum with the assumption that a high quality anti inflammatory right next to my area of pain couldn't hurt. I wanted to be able to give credit where it was due, so I avoided taking OTC products and let the suppository work its magic- I was blown away at the amount of relief I experienced. I cannot recommend this product enough - and for many different uses! I have also used this product for endometriosis cramps and for pain free intimacy when I'm experiencing pelvic inflammation- all with excellent and dependable results. -Shellie


Love these! The suppositories allowed me to have a decreased pain level in my pelvic floor. I suffer from endometriosis and everyday is a struggle. I was in a terrible flare and I popped one in. I completely relaxed and the pain level decreased. I was able to sleep. - Courtney


I have endometriosis and following a Lupron treatment of a year I was experiencing pain from vaginal dryness.  The suppositories made me feel more relaxed and easy the pain. I had a hysterectomy recently and plan to continue using the product. -Stephanie E.


Community Testimonials For Intimacy...

I absolutely loved these suppositories, and they’ve forever changed my sex life! Now I wish I would’ve tried them sooner. I get turned on faster and instantly feel more relaxed. - Miranda


I was wanting to try this product as I had been having some discomfort both during the day and during sex.  It was divine to sit and feel the suppository melt away the pain. I now keep them handy for any time-of-the-month troubles that pop up, or if I want to really heighten getting in the mood. - Ilysa


I have had radiation to my pelvic area which makes sex painful. Using the suppositories about 30 min prior made a big difference in the experience. - Kristi


I have vaginismus, and noticed that my muscles released much more quickly and easily after using the Basics. My physical therapist noticed the difference as well. Sex is better...much less pain than before." - Chrystal 


The cbd suppositories helped me very much with my endometriosis pain while having sex. A great product! - Megan


Game-Changer For Endometriosis: I have severe endometriosis that has taken over so many aspects of my life. The pain gets bad enough that I've fainted multiple times. After having a terrible flare I bought these out of desperation. When I used the first one and actually got relief I honestly cried (happy tears, of course) because I was finally able to get relief without being extremely medicated. I was actually able to enjoy sex with my partner instead of being bed-bound from pain the next day. These are game-changers. Thank you thank you thank you! – Savannah


I have severe endometriosis. I’ve been through multiple surgeries and take a daily narcotic and nerve blocker for the pain. Since I’ve started using these I’ve decreased my narcotic use (AWESOME!), been able to work more hours at my office, can actually have sex without being in excruciating pain, and can function like a normal human. I have three boxes in my fridge. If you’re on the edge of buying these, PLEASE take my word for it. These vaginal suppositories have literally changed my life. 💛🎗-Emily


I’ve had endometriosis for approx the last 8 years. With it, comes pelvic pain in between periods and pain during sex. My dr prescribed me a Valium suppository because Ibuprofen wasn’t cutting it and you can’t take too much of it. I didn’t want addictive opioids painkillers either. I wanted an alternative, that’s when I discovered Foria. It helps so much with the endometriosis and even post hysterectomy pain. I can feel my muscles unclenching by the next day. -Felis


I have vaginismus, and noticed that my muscles released much more quickly and easily after using the Basics. My physical therapist noticed the difference as well. Sex is better...much less pain than before. - Chrystal A.


Just a little bit of background about myself, I have endometriosis and PCOS and when I say debilitating menstrual cramps, I mean vomiting, heavy bleeding, ER visits and having to take heavy pain killers every single month. Intimacy was also a hit or miss for me and my partner. Sometimes we’d be ok, other times we’d have to stop halfway through intercourse because the pain is too intense and the frequent; don’t even come close to touching me. That is, until I discovered Foria and their CBD suppositories. I utilize them in preparation of my cycle and during my cycle and OMG WHAT A LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE! I can function, I can go to work, I can go to the gym and most importantly I can experience sex and pleasure (at the same time)!  I feel harmonious with my body and I’m no longer afraid of the pain. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!Dana 


The cbd suppositories helped me very much with my endometriosis pain while having sex. A great product! - Megan


As a sufferer of endometriosis, I often experience pain with intercourse. My husband and I tried these suppositories multiple times before I decided to leave a review. I seriously had no pain while using these suppositories! They did not increase touch sensitivity, which I thought they might. Sex was so much smoother than it has been for us in months! I would definitely recommend this product to other endometriosis sufferers. - Jessica


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