We get so many messages from people all over the world sharing their stories about how Foria products have enhanced their lives. Endometriosis is one of the many challenging conditions that people tell us they supplement with Foria products. We've collected some of the most dramatic examples here.
"I have suffered with Endo and PCOS for my entire life. My first period ever took 42 days of my teenager self. I have lived with constant pain, so I was excited to try this as I have found that cannabis in general helps me manage the pain and the sadness that comes with it. As I write this, I am laying in bed right after having inserted the Basics; it’s the third day in a row that I’m using it as I know my period will start soon. To start with, it smells great - ha! It feels gentle and I feel it kind of also moisturizes my vagina, which is a pleasant outcome. But the best part of it is that it has actually helped me with the pain! I don’t feel a heavy womb, as I usually do, and the pain is more accurately described right now as a discomfort. This is huge for me! Can’t wait to see if the continued use will provide for lasting effects."
— Bruna

Foria Awaken (CBD & Kava Intimate Massage Oil)
"I thought sex was ruined for me for the rest of my life. Instead of losing hope I started looking into solutions, and I discovered your product FORIA Awaken. It has changed my life so much, and I'm so thankful. I thought I'd never be able to enjoy sex again, but you guys have changed that. Thanks so much for making this product, and not only helping but also representing women with endometriosis everywhere. I couldn’t be more grateful for all you've done.”
— Faith W.

"I'm a HUGE fan of Foria Pleasure, so I was really excited to try out Awaken. I also have endometriosis, ovarian hemorrhagic cysts, and uterine tumors so sex is usually uncomfortable and painful, but both Foria Pleasure & Foria Awaken have given me much relief and replaced my pain with deliciously addicting pleasure!"
— Anne
"We’ve been married for 24 years, and he has been very patient with me and my Endometriosis journey. But today! Today! With Awaken we have had sex multiple times! We’ve both had multiple orgasms and I’ve had ZERO PAIN!" — Dana C.
"Love Awaken. I suffer from endometriosis and MS, so in the rare chance my partner and I engage in anything it can be pretty painful for me. But since using this it's actually made it enjoyable for me again, as well as increased my libido." — No Name
"I have been experiencing traumatic endometriosis symptoms and I've tried several lubricants in efforts to be able to enjoy myself and my partner and get through the pain. Foria is magic! It is the first lubricant to completely mute my pain during sex, foreplay, everything." — No Name
"I have endometriosis that returned after having a partial hysterectomy. When I have flare ups, besides excruciating pain, I look pregnant and the inflammation affects my bladder. Foria is one of the very few things that brings me relief! You should share more of it's uses. It's not just good for orgasm." — No Name
"So, I just wanted to say THANK YOU because the Foria vaginal suppositories saved the day, and my whole trip... I have Endometriosis and got a super painful period as soon as I landed in Denver for some job interviews. Saw these in a dispensary and wow. I have never had something work like that! I have told every female I know. " — Kimberly

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